JavaScript Fetch API using Async/Await

In this video we see how JavaScript fetch API can be written using async/await.


// using fetch
.then(response => response.json())
.then(jsonData => console.log(jsonData))
// using async/await
async function getGithubData(){
let response = await fetch("")
return response.json();
.then(jsonData => console.log(jsonData))

Full Transcript

In this video, we will see how JavaScript fetch API can be written using async/await. Let's open Chrome dev tools using Command + Option + I, on your Mac. We will go to the sources panel and create a snippet right here. Let's rename it to fetch-async-await.js. We will be using GitHub users API to fetch the data, given a GitHub username. Normally we would use fetch API like this: We call fetch() with URL that we are trying to fetch the data from. It returns a promise that results to a response object. So we grab that using .then() method, and we get the JSON from that response by calling the method .json(), which also returns a promise, that we grab inside another .then, and finally print the JSON data in a console.log. Let's run it. And there we go.

We have the data from GitHub. Now, what if we want to use async/await to rewrite this fetch API. async/await nothing but a syntactic sugar on top of JavaScript promise. We will write an async function, getGithubData. The keyword async denotes that this is an asynchronous function and may or may not contain an await expression. This function may contain more than one await expressions too. So let's grab inside a response, variable the results from a fetch call. Note that we are using the keyword, await, the response is then converted to JSON, by calling .json() method and return it back to the caller.

A few things before we move ahead. getGithubData is an async function that always returns a promise. If the return value of this function is not explicitly a promise, it will be automatically wrapped inside a promise. You can only use await keyword inside an async function. If you use it otherwise, it's going to give you syntax error. await keyword here before this fetch expression waits for a promise from the fetch call and causes the entire async function to pause the execution until the promise is either fulfilled or rejected. It pretty much simplify the use of promise so that they behave synchronously, which is more intuitive. We''ll call our async function getGithubData, and since it returns a promise, we will grab it inside .then() method. We get the JSON data that can be logged inside console.log. Let's comment out the fetch API code and run it again. As you can see, we got the GitHub data. So now you know how you can rewrite the fetch API code using async/await. That's all I wanted to cover in this video. Thanks for watching.